Quoi de neuf

What’s new at
at BPCE Lease ?

Vehicle taxation 2023: electric mobility still supported

En 2023 la fiscalité sur les voitures thermiques poursuit son durcissement. Et en même temps les aides à la conversion vers des véhicules peu polluants sont réduits. Voici un résumé non exhaustif des principales évolutions.


Industrial equipment assets: leasing contracts at the core of the economic recovery

The industrial equipment assets sector was already suffering as a result of the scarcity of semiconductors, and those problems were only compounded by the war in Ukraine, but the situation is expected to improve in 2023.


We urge you to be extra vigilant and to alert your usual company contact person if you have any doubts regarding solicitations made in our company name.

Your first 3 vehicle rental payments free of charge!

In these unusual times, BPCE Lease is offering you its vehicle leasing services to kick-start your business.

Vehicle stimulus package

Vehicle stimulus package: Environmental bonus, conversion bonus—the new measures for 2020

COVID-19: BPCE Lease is committed to you!

During this exceptional health crisis we’re currently experiencing, BPCE Lease is committed to providing you access to its services, supporting customer requests in due time and maintaining the highest possible quality of service.

Equipment leasing: new “Equipment breakdown insurance” option

To meet market demand, as of March 2020 BPCE Lease will offer an Equipment breakdown insurance option.

French automotive tax in 2020: further amendments

New emissions measurement system for internal combustion vehicles : taxation is changing.

French index for gender equality in the workplace – 2019

BPCE Lease is proving its commitment toward gender equality in the workplace.

Automobile taxation 2020

Learn about the main changes in vehicle taxation in France for 2020 !

The Auto Market is Shifting Gears!

As environmental standards have become stricter, the car industry has been undergoing significant changes.

Un haut niveau de satisfaction

BPCE Lease a renouvelé en 2019 son baromètre de satisfaction* auprès de ses clients sur le Crédit-Bail Mobilier et la Location Longue Durée. Avec 95% de satisfaction globale en Crédit-bail Mobilier et 93% en Location Longue Durée, nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous ces résultats.

Farmers and wine growers can also benefit from leasing solutions

Discover the advantages of leasing for farmers and wine growers in the interview of BPCE Lease expert

New BPCE Lease website

On April 1, 2019, Natixis Lease became BPCE Lease. This is an opportunity for us to present all our lease financing solutions.

Company vehicles and tax: what changes in 2019

Discover the main vehicle taxation changes in 2019.

Copy of New BPCE Lease website

On April 1, 2019, Natixis Lease became BPCE Lease. This is an opportunity for us to present all our lease financing solutions.