BPCE Lease attaches great importance to the quality of its services and the satisfaction of its customers. It may happen, in certain circumstances, that you feel that you are not receiving service that meets your expectations and wish to express your dissatisfaction through a complaint. To better respond to your request, we have set up an organization comprising several levels of interlocutors.
You can contact us, first via the form:
Or contact us by phone at :
01 58 32 80 80
(Monday to Friday price of a local call)
Secondly, if you have not received a satisfactory response, you can send us an appeal by mail, by writing to:
BPCE Lease Direction de la Conformité 4 place de Coupole – BP 75051 94220 Charenton-le-Pont Cedex
You can contact the Mediator of the French Association of Financial Institutions (ASF) by post to the attention of:
Monsieur le Médiateur de l’ASF 75854 Paris cedex 17